Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Happy 21

Yes, I'm finally 21.
And yes. R(A) shows... here I come.


I just had a full meal at Tony Roma's with my parents.
A combo steak + ribs.
Finished it all by myself.

No party today because I've already had a big one on Saturday.

So thanks to...

My parents - who made this all possible.

(My parents are behind)

And my relatives and friends - who bombarded me with ang pows and lovely presents.

Thanks, guys.... and girls.

My relatives

My friends

(with my cousin Kelvin and girlfriend Suyin)

French classmates

Me with Leslie and Juliet.

And finally....

all thanks to


Esther, Sharon

and I

could get to One Fullerton for a drink.

Yep. He drove us there...

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Sprained ankle

I'm such a klutz.

I was walking around in school today...
until I caught sight of something vaguely familiar...

A mediacorp news van parked outside.

And I fell.
Fell on my ankle.

Shucks. It's like two days more to my birthday celebrations...
And I have a twisted ankle.

Luckily I managed to hitch a ride to mediacorp...
because the crew recognised me.

Took a cab back from there.

Now I have a swollen ankle.

Darn. Got to go for x-ray tomorrow.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

International Left-handers' Day

To all fellow south paws around...


Saturday, August 12, 2006

Back to being me

A cake they bought on the last day.

Yesterday I was still part of the newsroom.
Today, I'm back to being me again.

I thank them for taking the time
for teaching me each and every step.

I've learnt a lot this past month.

But most importantly,
I've learnt not to take news for granted.

I took lots of pictures...
to remember all of them by...
but I'm not going to post them up.
I shall give them all their privacy.

I'll miss them.
And I'll miss the long hours.
And adrenaline rushes.

But maybe... just maybe... someone would read this blog after I leave.

Would I end up in this line?
Or would this be the end.
It's too early to tell, really.

For now,
its time for me to move on...
to hit the books for at least another year.
And go on being the same old me.

Farewell, people. Till we meet again.


Thursday, August 10, 2006


........... of the National Day preview...........

And guess what?
Esther got tickets and dragged me there at the last minute when I was all tired.
J'etais fatigue, tu crois? Tu crois?

Can you see I'm forcing a smile?

Now Adelyn, it wasn't so bad, was it?
Of course it was.
What the F.
The girl infront of me was eating her soggy homemade fried rice.
The girl behind me was puking her heart's content in a plastic bag.
My God.
Not to mention all the disgusting, sweaty people.

Be nice, Adelyn. Try to be more positive.
Smile, please.

Yeah, I still look forced, don't I?

Can't compare to Esther. Such a brilliant smile.

More seats are filled.

And the parade begins......

The Red Lions... (is that what they're called??)



We left early... to avoid the crowd.

Smart, right?

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Coup de Boule

This is the MTV for the famous Coup de Boule song by La Plage.

Inspired after Zidane's infamous act during the World Cup.

Coup de Boule
Attention c'est la danse du Coup de Boule!
(Coup de boule, coup de boule)
Coup de boule à droite
(Coup de boule, coup de boule)
Coup de boule à gauche
(Coup de boule, coup de boule)

Allez les bleus!
Zidane il a frappé, Zidane il a tapé (Coup de boule!)* 4x

Le rital, il a eu mal
Zidane il a frappé
l'Italien ne va pas bien
Zidane il a tapé
L'arbitre l'a vu à la télé
Zidane il a frappé
Mais la coupe on l'a ratée
On a quand même bien rigolé

Zidane il a frappé, Zidane il a tapé (Coup de boule!) 4x

Trezeguet n'a pas joué
Quand il a joué il a raté
Il a tout fait capoté
La coupe on l'a ratée
Barthez n'a rien arreté
C'est pourtant pas compliqué
Les sponseurs sont tous fâchés
Mais Chirac a bien parlé

Zidane il a frappé, Zidane il a tapé (Coup de boule!) 4x

Attention c'est la danse du Coup de Boule!
(Coup de boule, coup de boule)
Coup de boule à droite
(Coup de boule, coup de boule)
Coup de boule à gauche
(Coup de boule, coup de boule)
Coup de boule avant
(Coup de boule, coup de boule)
Coup de boule arrière
(Coup de boule, coup de boule)

Et maintenant penalty
Attention il va tirer
un, deux, trois...c'est raté!

Zidane il a frappé, Zidane il a tapé (4x)

On a quand meme bien rigolé
Zidane et Trezeguet
La coupe on l'a ratée
Zidane et Trezeguet (2x)
Et Trezeguet guet guet
(Coup de boule, coup de boule)
et Trezeguet
(Coup de boule, coup de boule)
et Trezeguet
(Coup de boule, coup de boule)
et Trezeguet
(Coup de boule, coup de boule)