Thursday, August 30, 2007

Boo boo of the day

I don’t know how popular Mistral Air was in the past but it sure is now. At least for those people who actually read the papers. It’s the first Vatican-backed chartered airline, recently contracted by the Vatican to fly pilgrims to holy places. So essentially it flies people from Rome to everywhere holy.

That is like so cool. Finally, our very own chartered airline, but I heard it’s a low budget carrier though. So probably nothing fancy but definitely safe, because I’m pretty sure they blessed the aircrafts. Wonder if they conduct masses in there though. Like some in-flight service, maybe?

Anyway, I thought it was a pretty decent idea. Pretty cool, actually, imagine popping into one of those, whenever you are feeling holy, and it’ll bring you to a place where you’ll feel even holier.

Then I read the Straits Times today.

"Airport officials barred several other pilgrims on the Mistral Air flight from taking holy water from the shrine back to Rome, the Italian news agency Apcom reported. The pilgrims protested that they had waited in long lines to fill up their bottles with holy water from the grotto."

Amidst all the excitement, everyone forgot about the strict airport rules. People had to surrender bottles of holy water because liquids weren't allowed on planes. Yes, holy water from Lourdes is considered suspicious liquid as well.

"'All passengers are obliged to respect the rules and not go over the quantities (of liquid) permitted' on flights', said Franck Hourcade, an official at the Tarbes-Lourdes-Pyrenees International Airport."

Apparently, some poor man had to surrender his bottle of Lourdes water at the French airport. It’s such a shame because part of the fun at Lourdes is to queue up at the grotto for hours and hours to fill up your bottle and bring it home, after which you can proudly tell everyone you went to get it yourself. I mean, nobody comes home from Lourdes empty handed, right? It's like going to Paris and not buying an LV.

It certainly doesn't make things better that the airline prepared replacement holy water packed in bottles shaped as Madonna for every passenger on board. Well, theun just isn't there anymore, isn't it?

Alright. Enough about Lourdes water and suspicious liquids. Jeraldine, Esther and I went to the Comex Fair today. Jeraldine wanted a laptop, but after viewing like a hundred different models, she still couldn't decide. Esther wanted a new ipod, but didn't even have the chance to view a single one because they were like sold out before we even reached.


Monday, August 27, 2007

Nuisance calls

For the past week, I've been receiving this same phone call at home.

The person calls my house and cuts off after the first ring. This, of course, makes it impossible for me to run to the phone in time, no matter how big my foot is, or how many feet I've got. So anyway its damn irritating because she normally calls at around 10.30am, sometimes earlier, sometimes later. This is, of course, the time when I'm still snuggling in my nice, warm bed, enjoying what's left of my time of unemployment and, most importantly, getting my beauty sleep.

I hate phone calls in the morning, because they wake me up. Unless, of course, you are calling to tell me I got a job or something. That, I don't mind. Bother me all you want, and I'll still say "I love you". Or maybe, if you're this really cute guy who dialed the wrong number, its okay too.

Okay, I'm digressing.

The point is, she woke me up every darn morning for the whole of last week and today. Okay, I hear the question coming. How the hell do you know its a woman who called and not a guy if he/she hung up on the first ring? Because I called back, okay? Bless the Father, Son and Holy Ghost for this invention called the caller ID. I called back and this woman picked up. Actually she sounded like a teenage girl, but of course she could have been seventy and dying, for all I know. So anyway I called her back and got right to the point. I said, excuse me, lady, but would you stop calling me and hanging up on me, everyday?

I think I frightened her, though, and she apologised.

Now hear her version of the story. She called my house, because she wanted to call Serangoon JC. I think when she said that, my brain emptied itself into the toilet bowl for a while.

Who the hell can call the same wrong number for a whole blardy week? Anyway she claimed that she called this other number and the automatic operator goes "Welcome to Serangoon JC" and directs her call to my number. She seemed to figure out somehow that when it starts ringing after the operator, it means it isn't SRJC already and so she hangs up immediately.

Pardon my french, but what shit is this? Does she honestly think I'll buy that story? Do I even want to believe it? I mean, I seriously find it hard to believe that she's the only person in the whole wide world trying to contact SR in the past week. If what she said were true, then the whole world would be bombarding my house with stupid calls. Secondly, even if she's the only one who entered this 3rd dimension phantom phone call where it directs SR calls to mine, then who, with half a centimetre of brain would keep trying the same number over and over again for a whole week when she knows the number will get her no where?

Let me give you some advice, girl.

Check and double check and triple check to see if you're dialing the right number.

If u are completely sure,and the person on the other line says "wrong numberrrrr....", chances are, it IS the wrong number.

If you do want to try your luck for a couple of times, thinking you might get lucky, say on the 30th call, FORGET IT. This ain't no poker table.

You should try searching for an alternative number, like either from the web, or by dialing the 100 number.

Should this fail, email or snail-mail them. Chances are, hotmail and Mr Postman will get it right.

If you are living in the stone age and you don't have a computer, or you have a phobia of emails and therefore you really need to make that call, then privatise your phone line. That way, the annoyed person on the other line, can't call back or call the triple nine hotline.

I'm kidding! Don't privatise your line. I hate nothing more then a privatised phone line because you don't know who's on the other line, and that annoys me full time. All the time.

But seriously, girl, if after trying a whole week and you still can't get the right line, forget it. Go back and sleep, okay?

Thursday, August 23, 2007

I'm getting....

younger... Yep. I'm so not gonna say the dreaded 'O' word.

Tonight's dinner was a nice little quiet affair with my parents at Swensons. Nice.

Argh. I have to go for a psychometric test early tomorrow morning. The things we have have to go through just to get a job. *tsk tsk*

So anyway, its Happy Birthday to me.


Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

"Whoever does not wish to have Mary Immaculate as his Mother will not have Christ as his Brother." - St Maximillian Kolbe

I attended Assumption Day mass yesterday and today until my mum was like, "why do you keep going to church?" I had a hard time explaining that its a holy day of obligation, but she understood my English perfectly well when I said "mass is compulsory". So that was the end of it with my mum.

Anyway, Happy Assumption, people!

Sunday, August 12, 2007


We went to visit the religious today after mass. It was like so cool. We took the NEL and bus all the way to St. Theresa's church, which was near Harbourfront, to visit the Carmelite sisters. It was a long journey and if you leave it to me, I'll take a cab there and back.

Some of them went to see the Franciscan Friars and Jesuits, but as I said, I went to visit the Carmelites. Well, at least one Carmelite sister. Oh, and we went to the church instead of the monastery, because some of the sisters are living in the church temporarily. Apparently the Carmelite monastery got infested with termites or something and droved all the nuns out.

Beautiful church, right? Great place to get married and be buried. Haha. That's what I told my friend.

So anyway, Sister Angeline was telling us all about her daily routine. They wake up at like 5.30am or something and pray. They go for morning mass and pray some more or something. Oh, I thought it's funny that they can't sit down for breakfast. They got to eat standing up. Anyway, I think the rest of their day consists of prayers, prayers and more prayers. Then meditation and more mediation. Then your own free time. Then more prayers.

I thought Sister gave a pretty insightful view of sisterhood which I felt was pretty interesting. Wonder if they watch tv too.

Anyway, Sister wanted us to pray for her because she's leaving for Myanmar on a mission trip or something. "Just one hail mary a day", was what she said.

So here goes, Sister.

Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you.
Blessed are you amongst women
And blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
Pray for us, sinners, now and at the hour of our death.

Oh yeah. The prayer is for my grandparents also. Especially my grandma who fell and hit her head yesterday.

I just found out about it today when my aunt messaged me earlier on. So I went to visit my grandparents after dinner. Apparently my grandma fell and hit her head and it started bleeding. She got like 3 to 4 stitches on the back of her head. My grandfather also injured his arm or something while trying to save her from falling, apparently.

Thank God both of them are okay. My grandma was super chirpy while I was there. Thats good.

Let's all thank God and glorify the trinity.

Glory be to the Father,
to the Son
and to the Holy Spirit.
As it was in the beginning,
its now and ever shall be, world without end.

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Happy, happy, happy

birthday, Singapore!!!

Our dear little island is forty-two years old.

This year's parade was held at the Marina Bay waterfront instead of the usual national stadium. Everything else was about the same. Parade, then those dancing programmes, lots a people and lots of bright lights.

However, I still think the stadium is still better... but we still have to wait five years or so while they rebuild it.

So anyway, I stayed home and watched the parade. No tickets this year. Heh. Its okay though. I'm not exactly a NDP fanatic or something.

Oh, my dad bought a fan for me to put in my room. How cool is that? (note the pun.) Anyway, just in case you are wondering why I need a fan in a room with aircon, I'm allergic to aircon at night when I'm sleeping. I can't sleep with the aircon turned on because I'll wake up feeling extremely uncomfortable. Nevertheless, isn't that great? I get to save a lot on my electricity bills, unlike my parents who have to blast their aircon every night.

Okie, time to watch tv. =)

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Alright. I finally bought it and read it and finished it. I couldn't stand the temptation anymore. I wanted to wait till the Harry-woo-haa died down and the price dropped. BUT I couldn't stand the it anymore, with all the people threatening to reveal the ending. Argh. Little devils.

I shall not reveal the ending here, or comment about the contents of the last Harry Potter book because I do not want people stumbling upon this blog and reading spoilers unintentionally. =p

However, I would like to comment on general stuff like my all time favourite Potter characters. My favourite characters areeeee....

*drum roll*

The Weasley twins, because I so love guys with a sense of humour; and
Hermione Granger, because I embrace intelligence.

My most hated characters are....
well... there's actually only one, and that is James Potter.

I kinda detest him more than anyone else actually, for some reason. I think its because he's overrated. To me, he's just like an older Draco Malfoy the school bully, minus the fact that he's in Griffindor rather than Slytherin. (big deal) I am particularly sickened by the fact that everyone keeps going on about how James and gang were only having some HARMLESS fun with Snape. Argh. Whatever.

Anyway, I guess since so many days have passed since the release of book no.7, everyone is getting over the Potter syndrome now. However, I suspect the aftermath of it will be just as horrifying.

I can just imagine the bunch of children born in the near future having names as horrifying as...

Potter Tan.
Dumbledore Goh.
Hermione Lim.
Weasley Tay.

Totally crazy. Argh.

Thursday, August 02, 2007


I went for an interview today. I guess it went alright. I'm finally getting on with the job finding.

The afternoon was great. Relaxed by the pool under the afternoon sun.

Ahh.. C'est la vie...