Thursday, November 29, 2007

Few days more of freedom...

I only have a few days more of freedom before I head for a life of no life.

My appointment to the post is subjected to the result of the medical test I have to undergo before I start work. This is nothing new. All the employers require new staff to undergo this procedure. I called the clinic yesterday in hope of making an appointment with the doctor. Instead, I was directed by the receptionist to their hotline instead. I absolutely hate hotlines, especially if it’s made up of automatic phone operators. Aw. You know. For ABC, please press 1. For XYZ, press 2. This one was exceptionally long and complicated, with up till 7 choices or more (I couldn’t be bothered to listen to the ‘press 8’) at a time. Not only that. Each choice contained medical terms which I bet no one sane can even pronounce because even the pre-recorded voice hesitated a while. So after pressing button after button, choice after choice, I finally got what I wanted (yey!) – the pre-employment medical examination services – only to hear the polite pre-recorded voice tell me that I only need to walk in and there is no booking scheme anyway. (boo...) Grrrr...

So I walked in today and finally did my medical examination.

After that, I decided to be good, and went for weekday mass with Crystal and Amanda. Mass ended early, because halfway through the gospel reading, half the main church hall immersed in darkness and the mic went off. We couldn't hear Father JJ at all, so he skipped homily altogether. First time I attended mass with no homily. Quite a shame actually, because at times, I do enjoy listening to the priests' homily.

Oh, this reminds me.

Last Sunday we conducted a church tour for our new inquirers and Fr. Luke did the tour of the church interior. I tagged along and learnt a fair bit too. Especially when he brought us into the sacristy - where the altar boys and priests prepare for mass. I had some of my queries answered too. Stuff which had been bugging me for a long time - like why priests in some countries wear black cassocks, while priests in other countries like Singapore wear white ones.

Anyway, I'm starting work soon, people...

How I wish I were back in school.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007


Thanks to all my family and friends who have been rather concerned for me these few months, worried that I'll turn into a permanent bummer. Now I can shout to you guys. NO NEED TO WORRY ANYMORE! Adelyn is officially off the bummer list. I am no longer part of the 1.7% (as my mum so often points it out) of the population who are unemployed.

Saturday, November 24, 2007


Finally Confirmation Day!

I think the 102 of us did work pretty hard to get here somehow. At least I know the RCIY and sec3 confirmands did. After endless catechism classes, camps and mission trips, we are finally declared prepared to receive the gift of the holy spirit. I guess with all the preparation, confirmation became more meaningful. Oh yeah. Not to mention we had to go through two face-to-face confessions (horror!)- once during confirmation camp and once last week on the Day of Recollection. So confirmation is essentially not just about today but about the journey.

So anyway, we all came dressed in white, for the big day today. After today, we will all end up at different places. I guess some will disappear from church forever. Some will be Sunday Catholics. Others will join the ministry and be even more active in church. (We don't want to be confirmed pigeons.)

We all came today dressed in white. Now, we either look like a bunch of nurses (good!), or a bunch of young and eager PAP members (bad!).

My parents and godparents came. See how happy my godpa is?! Yes. He's so happy to be here listening to archie's history lesson.

So anyway we waited for His Grace, the archbishop of Singapore Nicholas Chia to come confirm us and celebrate mass. Apparently he got caught in a traffic jam or something.

I think from this photo the hat looks like some onion looking thing.

Father Luke (left) and Father JJ (right).

His Grace in a nice hat and frock. Okay, I just found out the stick he's holding is called a crosier and his lovely onion hat is called a miter. Both given to bishops during ordaination.

Oh look at what we got for confirmation!

Finally confirmed!!! Proof!!!

Erm. Ok. Why do I keep seeing Uncle Jacob in all the pics?!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Birthday guppies

We celebrated Esther's birthday today. A few days early because her birthday falls on such a common day. So Esther, Jeraldine, Menaka and I spent the evening extravagently dining at Vivo's Swenson Earle.

Of course the bulk of the day was spent actually looking for a suitable present for the birthday girl. We each got her something different.

So this year I tried looking for something unique. Since she has learnt jewelry making for me, I couldn't get her anything remotely like jewelry. Bleah.

I ended up getting her two tiny little fishes. Guppies, to be exact. In a small bowl. With pebbles. Inclusive of fish food.

Of course I had to top it off with some anti-bitch pills which she so needs.

Take one capsule to stop complaining.
Take two capsules to stop constant whining.
Take three capsules and maybe your friends will start returning your calls.

Anyway, back to the guppies. I think Jeraldine, Menaka and I took a very long time deciding on the names. We ended up with the most brilliant names of all. The end product - Esther is now the proud owner of two guppies named LeSushi and LaSashimi. LeSushi has a deep, dark, royal shade of purple. LaSashimi has a bright, elegant orange colour on its tail.

I'm crossing my fingers, hoping they'll survive at least a week in Esther's hands. She isn't exactly the best pet owner in the world. Hopefully, by God's grace, the two can mate and give birth to babies. Of course Esther is now incharge of making them mate. So if all else goes well, we can expect baby fishes in about a month's time. Then we can just take some from her.

Oh shucks. Totally lesbian photo.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Deepavali photos

Quote of the Day: When the world gives you a lemon, make lemonade.

Alrighty. Deepavali photos are up.

Menaka was kind enough to let we, three miserable folks into her house for the Deepavali celebrations on Thursday and her mum cooked like tons of delicious dishes for us. Curry. I love Indian curry.

Esther: Yey...! Going Menaka's house... so happy! Must make a funny face.
Jeraldine: Heehee. Esther's like so funny la.

Ok. Jeraldine, you can view your long-awaited preggie photos here now.