Monday, May 22, 2006

Busy studying for DELF?

Once, a clairvoyent told me that I'm the kind of person who loves to waste time.

Waste time, waste money, were his exact words.

My goodness. I stared at him in awe at that time, mentally praising him. Wah good ah, Uncle! I thought, hoping he could receive this telepathic message I was trying to sms him with, via brainwaves.

I'm digressing, because that's besides the point.

The whole point I'm trying to make is that I love wasting time.

I'm a time-waster. I'll just leave everything to the last minute. Even at the last minute, I might still be procrestinating.

I just realised that as of today, I'm exactly a week away from my french exam.

Must be studying real hard now, aren't you? I hear you ask me.

Well, no. Unfortunately not.

While I should be burying my head deep into a pile of french books, I'm here typing my obligated daily blog post of the day, complaining about how I'm wasting so much time.

Apart from my three solid hours of weekly lessons, I haven't touched much of french.

I need to study...
I need tuition...
I need a miracle...


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